I’m Still Here, People!



Did you know that if you’re an infrequent poster, WordPress removes your blog from the Reader?

Trust me, they do.  I don’t know what they consider “infrequent” – has it really been that long since I last posted?  And weren’t you all eagerly awaiting my next post?

This discovery was made today while looking through CookieCakes‘ list of blogs that she follows.  I  began noticing that when I clicked on the links for several blogs, I received a message:


No recent posts…

This site has not posted anything recently.

Followed by a suggestion to check the “Discover” category.


So, knowing I have been very busy and haven’t posted in awhile, I checked my own site.  And got that same message!

Now WordPress is telling us who we can and can’t read?  What makes them think the Discover posts are any better than those published by bloggers who post infrequently.  Maybe infrequent bloggers simply have a life outside WordPress!

I’m still here, people!  WordPress cannot push me out! 

If you find you haven’t seen anything from me in awhile, put this in your internet address line:  https://notcordeliasmom.wordpress.com/

BTW, you can also get to all the other infrequent blogs in the same manner.  I normally don’t do public service announcements, but this issue needed to be brought to everyone’s attention.


[Anyone who wishes to comment may do so on this post, or you may email me at notcordeliasmom@aol.com or cordeliasmom2012@yahoo.com]


Image by Cordelia’s Mom


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22 Responses to I’m Still Here, People!

  1. Reblogged this on Cordelia's Mom, Still and commented:

    Wondering why some of your favorite blogs are no longer appearing in your Reader? Maybe WordPress decided they are unworthy. We may all hate Not CM, but we still want to read her, don’t we?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Just Plain Ol' Vic says:

    That sucks but hey, I am still here reading!


  3. Paul says:

    That’s awful nice of NCM. What does she want I wonder?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. candygai says:

    ShadowPaws, I pine for the reflections AKA snarky posts by you, Jamala and Mehitabel. The three of you and your posse are the best thing on the interwebs. Well, along with somebody’s truly excellent and eccentric mom, an emo chic whose writings educate around booze and sweets, and group of delusional cookie-colored and politcally involved bears. You are in a remarkable and group of women whose time has come.


  5. Victo Dolore says:

    You were in my reader…. 😉


  6. Still see your posts in my reader. But I’m such a slow reader, though….ヾ(=゚・゚=)ノ


  7. Nice reminder, CM. I seem to lose favorites all the time in my Reader. What the ??? Thanks. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Karen J says:

    Thanks for this info, NCM!
    I am definitely one of those “infrequent posters”. This poiicy sure makes it difficult to “get back on the horse”, doesn’t it? If you have to start from nearly-scratch to rebuild your readership after (fill in the blank) life interruptions, it throws up totally unnecessary and arbitrary roadblocks!
    Happy Almost Spring ~


  9. That explains so much. I wonder where some bloggers are often. I’ve got a list I can go back and track them down, and get email notices from a bunch, but WP shouldn’t be limiting who comes up in Reader, but publish posts as they are posted ( I have complained that several times I clicked publish for a post, yet it never appears in reader – or appears way down among posts published hours or a day before. Have gotten no explanations.)
    Once again tweaking behind the scenes is going on without any heads up to us ( Reader was down for at least 1 day). And these partnership deal/activities with Google seem to occur when odd stuff happens….Wonder if WP has too many blogs to post in their assigned internet roadway (bandwidth?) WP has grown so much since I started – much less since it was a start up comapny

    Liked by 1 person

    • I did notice in my search for that most of the blogs on which I received that error notice were the free WordPress blogs, not the ones who have purchased their own domain. I sincerely hope that’s not the reason!

      I have wondered if WordPress is getting too big to handle all the new bloggers. I guess only time will tell.

      Liked by 1 person

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