You Can Lock Me Up, But Not Forever!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHave you been wondering where I’ve been for the last couple of months?

Well, CookieCakes did a pretty good job of locking me in the dark recesses of her mind, but now she’s distracted – and I’m back.  And I have a few things to say!

CookieCakes thinks she’s queen of the world now that she’s working again – but let me tell you, that piddly salary she’s making wouldn’t even keep me in lunches, manicures and massages.  What a loser!


Available on!

BTW, I also read Linda Bethea’s book, Everything Smells Just Like Poke Salad, and I also have an opinion on it.  But did Linda ask me to review it?  Of course not.  Apparently, she cares what CookieCakes thinks, but not me.  The heck with her, I won’t even link to her book here so don’t bother clicking on the photo!

Then, of course, there’s that Paul Curran person.  Did he let me know that he had died and come back to life during his botched surgery?  No, he told Mark Bialczak instead.  I take some comfort in the fact that he also didn’t notify CookieCakes, but certainly since I’m so much closer to the “other side” he could have invited me along.  The heck with him, too.


As for the photography – where do you think CookieCakes gets her photographic eye?  I’m the one who makes her see things that may or may not be there, and I’m the one who points out the hidden aspects of a prospective photo, especially the darker ones.  Remember the “Love You to Death” photo?  Do you really think sweet little Cordelia’s Mom could have dreamed that up without me?

Even the tower photo at the head of this post is mine.  Every time CookieCakes drove past that deconstructed church, I was jumping up and down inside her head yelling, “Stop! That would make a great picture!”  Did she listen?  Of course not – at least not until she was on her little vacation and happened to notice it herself (she thinks).

Never mind that every one of these photos carries the Cordelia’s Mom signature – they are mine, all mine, and I’m taking credit for them right here and now.  Can you sue an alter-ego for copyright infringement?  Probably not, but it would be fun to try and would certainly make a great story, wouldn’t it?

I may just do that yet.


[Anyone who wishes to comment may do so on this post, or you may email me at or]


Images by Cordelia’s Mom, except for book cover image from

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13 Responses to You Can Lock Me Up, But Not Forever!

  1. lbeth1950 says:

    Thanks for the mention. I really wanted YOU to review!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Paul says:

    Well, well, not to busy to dis me I see. I promised I’d do an NCM guest post for CM and am half ways done – I guess you haven’t been doing enough NCM to fill a blog. Your loss, my gain.


    • How dare CookieCakes offer a guest post on MY blog to someone! That invitation should come from me. The arrogant little bitch. But I guess since you’ve already been lined up, I may as well see what you have to offer, and it had better be good. Send it along.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Cordelia's Mom, Still and commented:

    Apparently, I must once again clarify: Not CM is fiction! The Not CM persona was created to be as nearly opposite Cordelia’s Mom as possible. She was created to poke fun at Cordelia’s Mom and a few other bloggers who willingly participate in the illusion. Not CM is arrogant, bitchy, and often politically incorrect. She says things Cordelia’s Mom would never say. But Not CM is not real! Enjoy the fiction, but don’t take it to heart, people. Sheesh!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. LOL!Hmmm….very confusing…CM and NCM. 「(゚<゚)゙??


  5. I like that Not CM…bitchy and all. ☺


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